Physical Activity Facilities Forum Directory 2023
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The UK’s Leading Gym Fit-Out Specialists
Indigo Fitness Ltd Ross Manester - Regional Sales Manager Whitacre Road, Nuneaton, Warwickshire CV11 6BW
T: 01455 890100 E: W:
We Create Training Spaces: We've been designing and delivering high quality training spaces for 25 years, offering expert advice on everything from flooring types, to equipment mix, to the best utilisation of space. Bespoke product designs, incorporating client logos and colour schemes, are all part of the service. We are a UK manufacturer: We are very proud of our UK manufacturing heritage. Our in-house design team and manufacturing plant gives us the flexibility to create and deliver tailored strength and functional training solutions. We are flooring experts: We understand there’s no ‘one size fits all’ approach when it comes to flooring - different training methods require different flooring types. With Indigo Fitness, you’ll benefit from all our experience and technical know-how, gained from years of creating and installing fitness flooring solutions.
We’re also exclusive UK distributors of: • DuraTRAIN and DuraSOUND flooring • PaviFLEX turf and flooring • RAZE strength & conditioning equipment • Carbon Claw combat gear • Kenguru Pro - street workout, calisthenics and parkour equipment.
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