Physical Activity Facilities Forum Directory 2023
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Body Composition Analysers
InBody UK Francesca Cooper - Director Luke Smith - National Sales Manager 11 Phoenix Park, Stephenson Industrial Park, Telford Way, Coalville LE67 7HB T: 01530 569620 E: E: W:
Francesca Cooper
Luke Smith
Responsible for world class advances in body composition technology within the industry, InBody have become a global leader.
InBody provides medically certified body composition products and blood pressure monitors for the medical and health & fitness industry.
Built on reputation and excellence, we are dedicated to inspiring people to lead a healthier life by providing an essential tool in health and wellbeing assessments and giving professionals an innovative device to enhance their patient care. Through consistent research and development, InBody have implemented precise and accurate analysis that is produced using eight-point tactile electrodes, direct segmental measurements, simultaneous multiple frequencies whilst excluding empirical data.
Now featured in over 4,800 independent research studies and papers, InBody continues to develop and expand in both knowledge and products, with two new field leading devices released late last year.
Outside of InBody HQ Korea, InBody UK is one of eight global subsidiaries. Today, InBody has a global network of partners in over 80 countries across the Americas, Europe, Asia, Middle East and Africa.
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