Physical Activity Facilities Forum Directory 2023

supplier delegates Flooring Manufacturer

Jaymart Nigel Pugh - National Sales Manager Richard Streets - Area Manager Roman Way Crusader Park, Warminster Wilts BA12 8SP T: 01985 218994 E: E: W:

Nigel Pugh

Richard Streets

JAYMART RUBBER & PLASTICS LTD stocks the UK’s widest range of specialist mats and mattings, and is a leading manufacturer of prestigious aluminium entrance matting systems. The company was established in 1967 and is proud to be a family business. We always strive to provide from stock an astounding choice of products, and pride ourselves on being able to find the right product for every situation and every budget. We are constantly searching for new products and innovations that will provide a better solution to any flooring problem and cater for the latest requirements of designers and architects. Function with Form. Our flooring and matting products can be found installed in public buildings, hospitals, schools, hotels, cinemas, banks, public houses, libraries, museums, Armed Forces establishments, ships, railway stations, airports, passenger terminals, colleges, universities, leisure centres, gymnasia, football stadiums, high street shops, supermarkets, department stores etc.

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