Physical Activity Facilities Forum Directory 2023
project delegates
Braintree District Council Joby Humm - Leisure, Venues and Heritage Manager Causeway House, Braintree, Essex CM7 9TR
T: 01376 552525 E: W:
Braintree has four Leisure Centres and a sports ground in the District which are out sourced to Fusion Lifestyle to manage until Aug 2027.
Braintree is a fairly rural district with 3 market towns - Braintree, Witham and Halstead. There are a number of independent sports clubs located both rurally and within these towns.
Project Outline Client Officer to a Leisure contract with Fusion Lifestyle - £1.2M Authority lead on a 4 new AGP's through a football Foundation funding bid - £3.6M Capital improvements to our Leisure portfolio - £100K
Type of Physical Activity Facility Leisure/Sport Centres, Sports Clubs & Swimming/Leisure Pools.
Follow up: Meeting
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