Physical Activity Facilities Forum Directory 2023
project delegates
Brighton & Hove Council Sophie Sargeant - Sports Facilities Programme Manager Hove Town Hall, Norton Road, Hove BN3 3BQ
T: 01273 290000 E: W:
Brighton & Hove is a city of vibrant culture, rich heritage, and diverse communities, and is found between 11 kilometres of bustling seafront and the green and vibrant South Downs National Park.
Its communities are passionate about the city and there’s a shared commitment to celebrating and promoting all that makes Brighton & Hove so unique. The city also welcomes more than 11million visitors each year as a worldwide destination of choice.
We want our city to be;
• A city to be proud of – an accessible, clean and sustainable city • A fair an inclusive city – a more equitable city where people feel safe, included, welcome and there are homes for everyone • A healthy city where people thrive – a better future for our children and young people, an enabling people to live and age well
Project Outline 10yr Sports Facilities Investment Plan - £90M+ Projects include:
2 new large multi-sports hubs – one is underway, which is to redevelop the current King Alfred Leisure Centre Refurbishment/improvement projects in existing community leisure centres – including gym/fitness suite expansions, studio spaces, soft play, café space/party provision Decarbonisation projects to improve energy efficiency and reduce emissions A number of small-sided 3G football pitches
A new Padel Tennis facility New gymnastics provision
Type of Physical Activity Facility Parks/Recreation Grounds, Leisure/Sports Centres & Swimming/Leisure Pools.
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