Physical Activity Facilities Forum Directory 2023

project delegates

Aneurin Leisure Trust Jamie Davies - Sports Centre Manager Emma Scott - Centre Manager Bedwellty House and Park, Morgan Street, Tredegar NP22 3XN T: 01495 355606 E: E: W:

Jamie Davies

Emma Scott

Aneurin Leisure is an exciting new venture which delivers leisure, learning and cultural services across Blaenau Gwent.

As a community focussed organisation, we are passionate about making a positive impact to people’s lives by not only improving physical health and wellbeing, but also their mental and social wellbeing through our diverse range of services and facilities. Aneurin Leisure is a Not for Profit Distributing Organisation, which means that every time you use one of our venues or services, the money you spend is reinvested back into our organisation, helping us to continue to provide a high standard of facilities and services across Blaenau Gwent. As a charity, we are managed by a Board of Trustees who are formed from a broad cross-section of the community and are committed to ensuring that we continue to develop our provision and services, making this an organisation that Blaenau Gwent can be proud of.

Project Outline Energy Management and Renewable Energy - £250K

Type of Physical Activity Facility Leisure/Sports Centres & Swimming/Leisure Pools.

Follow up: Meeting



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