Physical Activity Facilities Forum Directory 2023

project delegates

Trilogy Active John Fletcher - Managing Director 78 Robert Street, Upper Mounts, Northampton NN1 3BJ

T: 01604 838333 E: W:

Trilogy Active is a dedicated Social Enterprise committed to making a difference and influencing change for the better. Trilogy is a ‘Not for Profit’ organisation, is limited by guarantee and has Charitable Status (Charities registration – 1145613). Established in 2011, Trilogy operates a range of 10 facilities along with a Health & Wellbeing Development Team. Our facilities in Northampton include soft play, independent cinema, leisure and gym facilities, with one in Peterborough. Our Health & Wellbeing Team deliver a range of highly valued initiatives and activities both within our facilities and out in the communities. We are also the Managing Operator of Belper Leisure Centre, in Derby.

Our Mission is to ‘Inspire Active Lifestyles’ by increasing Social Value, developing a positive impact on people’s life chances and generating opportunities for people to improve their overall physical and mental wellbeing.

Project Outline Gym Refurbishment - 2 sites - £250K

IT Network Pool Cover

Type of Physical Activity Facility Parks/Recreation Grounds, Leisure/Sports Centres, Swimming/Leisure Pools & University/Schools.

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