Physical Activity Facilities Forum Directory 2023

project delegates

East Riding of Yorkshire Council Tim Hicks - Health & Wellbeing Facilities Manager David Johnston - Commercial Strategic Manager County Hall, Beverley, ERYC HU17 9AX T: 01482 393939 E: E: W:

Tim Hicks

David Johnston

The East Riding of Yorkshire Council employees around 13,000 employs and is a local authority based on the East of England near Hull. Our directorate (Culture and Customer Services) is responsible for Leisure facilities, Health and Well Being for staff and the communities, Commercial and Customer Service team, Libraries, Customer Services, Commercial Catering, School Catering, and Destinations facilities on the coastline such as Bridlington Spa, Sewerby Hall, Southcliffe Caravan Park and Coastal Services. Many of the areas are there to help generate income for the Council, and commercialism is high on the Council's agenda to aid the shortfall in central government funding and required efficiencies. This is done by providing high quality facilities, investment into the sese facilities, and a five-star customer service. Project Outline ERL Goole redevelopment project – Close Dec 23 and reopen in Spring 25 - £19M Undertake the refurbishment of the gym at ERL Beverley, ERL Goole and ERL South Holderness - £1M Development of conference facilities at Hornsea Hub. Complete Aug 24 - £65K Development of ERL South Holderness including gym extension. Complete Aug 24. - £110K Procure new CRM IT system for members Development of new outdoor fitness area “The Mill” on old MUGA at Beverley. Due to complete Nov 23. - £500K Development of full sized 3G Pitch on old rugby pitch at Haltemprice during. Start Summer 24. Outdoor Exercise Area at the Sports Beach, South Cliffe, Bridlington in 24/25, in the park and ride area.

Type of Physical Activity Facility Holiday Parks, Leisure/Sports Centres, Multi Activity Centres & Swimming/Leisure Pools.

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