Physical Activity Facilities Forum Directory 2023
project delegates
Steve Watts Consultancy Ltd Steve Watts - CEO 124 High Street, IVER, Bucks SL0 9PR
T: 0118 907 3242 E: W:
Steve Watts Consultancy offers a Wealth of Experience & Expertise spanning over 30 years in the UK & Middle East. Please checkout to explore the vast portfolio of projects with the unique offering of design owning & operating some of these facilities. Steve Watts Consultancy offers a turnkey project solution from Inception to Completion & beyond. Whether you are looking to kickstart your business, discover development opportunities or grow your brand Steve Watts Consultancy can offer you the solution.
Project Outline Co-Working/Wellness Project UK x5 - £10M Bracknell Sports Hub - £2M Newport Marbella Fitness Studio - £500K Ladies Only Boxing Concept (Bahrain) - £1M Sports Club RPSC - £100K
Type of Physical Activity Facility Health Clubs, Multi Activity Centres & Sports Clubs.
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