Physical Activity Facilities Forum Directory 2023

project delegates

Mytime Active Chris Deadman - Head of Operations Crofton Hall, Greater London BR6 8PR T: 01689 832158 E: W:

We are an integrated wellbeing provider and trusted experts in the areas of healthy lifestyles, fitness, nutrition and childcare.

We're different from many other gyms or health clubs.

We offer a wide range of activities with over 100 products and services across swimming, gyms, group exercise, golf, bowling, soft play and social events for all ages. We also have specialist social, health and wellbeing programmes integrated into what we do, so we can provide tailored support for different groups - for people with health conditions or disabilities, for new mums, for older generations keeping active and for younger people starting their wellbeing journey.

Project Outline Ongoing Gym Refurbishment & Wellbeing Hub - £700K

Type of Physical Activity Facility Golf Clubs, Leisure/Sports Centres, Swimming/Leisure Pools & Halls.

Follow up: Meeting



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