Physical Activity Facilities Forum Directory 2023

Lyndsey Barrett, Lead Occupational Therapist, Sport For Confidence

Title: “Levelling the Playing Field; Hardwiring sport and physical activity into health and social care.”

SYNOPSIS: In 2020, Sport For Confidence embarked on a strategic partnership with Adult Social Care at Essex County Council and Active Essex, to deliver the Prevention and Enablement Model (PEM). The pilot sought out to evaluate the impact of a whole system approach, placing physical activity at its core and measured the impact on improving the lives of people living with disabilities and/or long-term health conditions. This session will discuss the delivery and outcomes of the pilot independently evaluated by The University of Essex and State of Life which evidenced elevated physical activity levels amongst participants in line with the rest of the population and delivered social value of £58.71 for every £1 invested. BIOGRAPHY: Lyndsey Barrett is the Lead Occupational Therapist and the co- founder of Sport for Confidence CIC. Lyndsey has a passion for creating opportunities through sport and physical activity, empowering people and enabling choice. She champions the value and impact of Occupational Therapists working in the sport and physical activity sector and has received a British Empire Medal for Services to Disability Sport and an Honorary Degree for Distinction in Industry for the Promotion of Occupational Therapy and Sport.

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